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[Rsync]Windows Client 備份到遠端 Ubuntu(Linux) Rsync伺服器分享

1.請先參考[Cwrsync for windows教學(需要密碼)]安裝Client端的設定,參考下面的Client端安裝方式,因為我們的Server不是Windows了換成Linux Rsync伺服器 2.參考[Rsync Server安裝與設定]安裝好Rsync套件,並加入密碼檔 3.接者編輯windows client 安裝cwrsync的目錄下[cwrsync.cmd]檔案,輸入以下的文字 rsync -arHz --password-file=/cygdrive/e/data/cwRsync/rsyncd.secrets /cygdrive/D/adonis/ adonis@rsync.adc.com.tw::myData --password-file=/cygdrive/e/rsyncd.txt 可以用 Server (LINUX)上的password file 要 chown root:root rsyncd.secrets 及chmod 600 rsyncd.secrets Client (WIN)上的password file 要用c:\program files\cwRsync\bin\ 的chown administrator rsyncd.txt及 chmod -c 600 rsyncd.txt 說明: (1)--password-file=/cygdrive/e/data/cwRsync/rsyncd.secrets ===>密碼檔放置的位置 (2)adonis@rsync.adc.com.tw::myData ===> 使用adonis認證上傳到rsync.abc.com.tw伺服器上 (3)rsyncd.secrets ==>只要輸在在Server端上的所建立使用者的密碼就可以囉,如:123456 4.到DOS視窗點cwrsync.cmd,就可以上傳資料囉。 注意:這台是XP所以沒有問題可以上傳,但是如果你是windows server時會出現錯誤訊息,解決方式就可以參考我的另一篇解決方法 [cwrsync password file must be owned by root when running as root]

Active Directory Metadata Cleanup

Active Directory Metadata Cleanup Sometimes it can/will happen that a correct removal from a Domain Controller isn’t possible because of a hardware crash, you have to force the removal of a DC or the previous admin have left some “garbage” for you. So you have to do a metadata cleanup, otherwise all other DCs will try to replicate with that machine, as they are “thinking” this Domain Controller still exists, which fills also the event viewer with not wanted error messages. Additional the support tools dcdiag and repadmin or replmon will report problems. The metadata cleanup can be done with NTDSUTIL for the AD database part according to: How to remove data in Active Directory after an unsuccessful domain controller demotion The above article applies to all Windows versions starting with Windows 2000 Server up to Windows Server 2008 R2. There can also be the situation that the FSMO roles must be seized as the not longer existing DC was the owner of them: Using Ntdsutil.exe to transfer o...

FSMO Transfer Step by Step

netdom query FSMO // 搵下fsmo 在那部機 網域: mis.local dc&dns1: dc.mis.local ( dc2&dns2: dc2.mis.local ( [網域五大角色]及[通用類別目錄]都在 dc.mis.local 主機上面 狀況 dc.mis.local 主機故障且無法開機 需將網域五大角色及通用類別目錄強制轉移至dc2.mis.local主機上面 步驟 首先登入dc2.mis.local 網域控制站 到開始-->命令提示字元 執行 ntdsutil roles connections connect to server dc2.mis.local quit seize schema master (先嘗試安全轉移schema 若不行再強制轉移,下達此指令後出現下面的提示) fsmo maintenance: seize schema master 在拿取前,嘗試 schema FSMO 的安全轉移。 ldap_modify_sW 錯誤 0x34(52 (無法使用). Ldap 延伸錯誤訊息是 000020AF: SvcErr: DSID-03210333, problem 5002 (UNAVAILABLE), data 1722 傳回的 Win32 錯誤是 0x20af(要求的 FSMO 操作失敗,無法連接目前的 FSMO 持有人。) ) 錯誤碼可以指出連線、 ldap、或功能轉移錯誤。 schema FSMO 的轉移失敗,執行拿取中... 伺服器 "dc2.mis.local" 知道 5 功能 架構 - CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC2,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN =Configuration,DC=mis,DC=local 網域 - CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN= Configuration,DC=mis,DC=local PDC - CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC,CN=Servers,CN=Default...